Q045Jump Game II (hard)
We have to reach the last index with minimum jumps, so we should jump at the step with the largest number if possible.
Let's take [2,3,1,5,4] as example
index 0 1 2 3 4
var countJump = 0
var maxReach = 0
var prevReach = 0
1. we have to jump at the nums[0]: 2, the maximum index we can reach is 2, maxReach = 2
2. check index = 1, this is the place we have to jump
if index > prevReach, we increase:countJump = 1,
every time we jump update the prevReach = maxReach = 2
maxReach = 1 + 3 = 4
3. check index = 2, maxReach = max(maxReach, 2+1) = 4
4. check index = 3, greater than prevReach, means this is the place we only can reach by jump, so just like step 2
countJump = 2, prevReach = 4
maxReach = max(4, 4) = 4
5. check index = 4, <= maxReach
maxReach = max(4, 4+4) = 8
6. loop ends
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