Thursday 14 March 2019

Bitwise Operator Basics

Check code

1. NOT Operator  ~ inverts all the bits
print("\n=========== NOT Operator ============")
printBinary(of: 1)
printBinary(of: ~1)
printBinary(of: 0)
printBinary(of: ~0)
 =========== NOT Operator ============
 num:    1            binary:    00000001
 num:    254        binary:    11111110
 num:    0            binary:    00000000
 num:    255        binary:    11111111

2. AND Operator  &  both 1 -> 1,  otherwise -> 0
print("\n=========== AND Operator ============")
printBinary(of: 3)
printBinary(of: 18)
printBinary(of: 3 & 18)
 =========== AND Operator ============
 num:    1          binary:    00000001
 num:    18        binary:    00010010
 num:    0          binary:    00000000

3. OR Operator   |   0|1 -> 1, 1|1 -> 1, 0|0 -> 0
print("\n=========== OR Operator ============")
printBinary(of: 3)
printBinary(of: 21)
printBinary(of: 3 | 21)
 =========== OR Operator ============
 num:    3          binary:    00000011
 num:    21        binary:    00010101
 num:    23        binary:    00010111

4. XOR Operator   ^   same -> 0, not same -> 1
print("\n=========== XOR Operator ============")
printBinary(of: 3)
printBinary(of: 21)
printBinary(of: 3 ^ 21)
 =========== XOR Operator ============
 num:    3          binary:    00000011
 num:    21        binary:    00010101
 num:    22        binary:    00010110

5. Shift Operator   >>, <<
 Note: the number to be shift should on the left hand side
 6 << 1 means: left shift the bits of 1 by 6
print("\n=========== Shift Operator ============")
printBinary(of: 6)
printBinary(of: 6 >> 1)
printBinary(of: 6 >> 2)
printBinary(of: 6 << 1)
 =========== Shift Operator ============
 num:    3          binary:    00000011
 num:    21        binary:    00010101
 num:    22        binary:    00010110

More Bit Manipulation Problems

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